Gleanings – In Shape?

4 Lent, Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jeremiah 18:1-11

Who is the potter in your life?

Just a couple of weeks ago, at a men’s retreat I encouraged men in essence to be good potters. “God has given you a unique mission, a domain given to no other. Be good stewards of the wife and children God has entrusted to your care. I may influence them but no one can shape them like you and that is by divine providence. By design God made to you the husband of ________________ and the father of _________________, ___________________ and ________________.”

Brothers, we are called to be potters. But likewise we are called to be clay, moldable in the hands of God. He has every right to shape us and our circumstances according to our decisions. He will turn from bringing low those who repent. He will turn from elevating those who rebel. He is the ultimate potter and we are clay in his hands.

But are we willing to be clay? Having been called to be potters are willing to be shaped by a higher authority? Do we realize that all of life for better or worse is meant to be lived in the hands of another?  Are willing to live within the tension of being both potter and clay?

It is within His hands that we are made useful to Him and to the lives of those entrusted to our care. Without shape myself I can shape others little. What are you allowing Him to make of you? What kind of shape are you in?

“And he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.”


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