Gleanings – He Will Dock the Ship

Romans 8:26-30

“For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.”

God is making good on the original plan, of transforming us into the likeness of his Son. The “good” he is working together is toward that end. Life is molding and shaping us in the image of Jesus (see Romans 12:1-2 and 2 Cor. 3:7ff).

This is particularly good news when the journey seems shaky and the destination uncertain. Regardless, I am still being shaped. I remain clay in the potter’s hands. The same is true for you.

This warms my heart as I plant Grace Community. Will it get off the ground? Finally only the Lord knows. But he is changing me in the process. He is causing me to lean more on Him than my own strength. But he is also calling me to use the gifts he has given me without reservation when they are offered to His glory and not mine.

He is healing me of wounds, ironically largely inflicted by the church. As I preached yesterday, according to the plan we will be rejected. It is a foregone conclusion. But so many grace-filled evangelicals are routinely taking friendly fire (actually quite hostile and intentional on occasion). Perhaps some of us are too far out in front? Perhaps the church is lagging beyond reason?

A dear man and friend took a bold and public stand years ago. He sent out the last signal to the Carpathia for a sinking church. It was a slow bleed but it killed, at least seriously crippled, his opportunity for parish ministry. The Institutional Church does not appreciate being compared to the Titanic easily overlooking what an understatement it was. This pastor has a great ministry and following otherwise but he was a great parish pastor and that is largely gone. But this beloved man is still being shaped into the likeness of Jesus even if without the help of the church.  He remains clay in the potter’s hands. It is true for me. However, shaky the journey and unclear the destination, the same is true for you.

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