Gleanings – Harvesting Some Life for Ourselves

Boys Being Boys!

Posts will be infrequent, if at all, over the next two weeks. The Richardsons are gleaning a bit of recreation on the gulf coast. We are harvesting some renewal for ourselves.

How does that work for us? We are at our family’s small beach place at the west end of Bay County. When I say small, I am not being modest. If it is 900 square feet with the balcony included, I would be shocked. But what it lacks in size is met in memories. We have had the place since 1977. Already five generations have enjoyed walking down a flight of stairs and putting our feet on sand in route to emerald green waters. Just yesterday Dow swam with dolphins. And Whit longed for the beach after his nap. Carpe diem!

Posts will resume. For now, here’s to sucking the marrow out of this God-given and Grace-filled life!

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