Grace Sufficient! Grace Abounds!
We are here! In Atlanta that is!
What a ride we have had in these last sixty days since accepting the call of Jesus Our Shepherd (AMiA) to plant a new church in Northeast Atlanta. Throughout it all, His grace has always been sufficient and at times abounding beyond imagination.
We sold our house in eleven days. We give a nod to our fine agent Rush Denson. But even Rush would say that the greater kudos go the Lord himself. The market was against us. This we knew. But our particular street in Birmingham had one house in foreclosure and another on the market for 15 months. Two others had already been pulled from the market in the last year and rented as owners awaited better fortunes. And there are only 13 homes on the street. And yet the offer came quickly. And the transaction itself was as spiritual as they come. After the final walk through, we stood in the front yard with the buyer and one of her children and prayed blessings upon them and their life in this new home. The Lord gave us a sale and new friends in Christ to boot.
And the Lord provided here in Atlanta as well. At first, all our options were in three level townhomes. We like townhomes well enough but we wanted a neighborhood for the children. On a lark (which we soon realized was a prompting of the Holy Spirit) we asked about a home that was beyond our means. The buyer’s market made it possible. But the inspection found a significant water issue, one we imagined would scuttle the deal. To our surprise, the repairs were made and quickly enough for us to close the afternoon of June 17 having closed in Birmingham that morning. We moved in the 18th.
The greatest grace came in the delight of our children in the move. Moves are not uniformly welcomed by eighth graders but this one was. Madison is loving the challenge and true to form, she has met most of our neighbors and already been invited to dinner. Dow and Whit are flourishing and Dow seems no worse for the wear hardly noticing that a flight of stairs separates us at night when the distance was three feet just two weeks ago.
We are praying without ceasing for our many blessings! All honor and glory be to God! His grace has been sufficient and even abounding beyond what we could ask or imagine.
June 28th, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Hello all Richardsons and Blessings and Peace be with you in your new home – sounds like the Lord did indeed proceed you, open the path and continues to guide and guard you all on this journey of faith. Just an interesting tidbit that goes along with your posting. Tonight the national news talked about the housing market improving. They highlighted Atlanta and how fast the market there is turning around and prices are going up every day – a good sign for the economy surely, but once again a Hallalujah for God – He is so faithful, loving, and always watching out for us! Gotta just love Him more and more!