Gleanings – Gospel Simply Stated

1 Epiphany, Tuesday – January 15, 2013

Mark 1:14-28

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

Simplicity is a welcome commodity in our world. Life is full and often complicated. Just a couple of days ago we thought our new refrigerator was not cooling properly (and it wasn’t). After reading the manual a number of times it was still not clear to us if the temperature reading was the setting or the actual temperature. We think it is actually some combination of the two but we are still not positive. It is most appreciated when instructions can be captured in a single sentence and in an accessible way.

Jesus begins his public ministry in a simple way. He makes two statements and two commands.

In his arrival, time is fulfilled. This means in him we experience not the end of time but the consummation of history. Look for no other. In his arrival we experience the kingdom of God. It is not a concept. It is not something to be built. The kingdom of God is something we experience in Jesus. Simple. Done.

Our response? Repent and believe! Repent means of course to be remorseful for our sins but more fully understood it means to turn from our life lived apart from God now fully known in Jesus Christ. In other words, Jesus says, “stop running, come about, and come home.” Then? Believe! We lean our whole weight on the good news that the reign of God is experienced in Jesus and accessible to us. Have life in Jesus. Live in Jesus. Simple. Done.

Look for no other. Live in Jesus. Simplicity. A welcome commodity.


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